Page name: Yu Yu Hakusho Fans Unite! [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-07-02 20:09:40
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Yu Yu Hakusho Fans Unite!

Konnichiwa, fellow Yu Yu Hakusho fans, and welcome to Yu Yu Hakusho Fans Unite! Here, you can talk about your fav Yu Yu Hakusho characters (you can talk about them at Yu Yu Hakusho Characters), what you like about the series, etc.

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YYHFU! Banners and BadgesWE NEED BANNERS!!! I'd really appreciate it if people could make some banners for us. ^^

Yu Yu Hakusho Characters Where you can talk about your fav characters from the series/movie(s)
Yu Yu Hakusho Quotes Where you can post quotes from any Yu Yu Hakusho Character (and if there isn't already one, please provide a picure! ^_^)
Yu Yu Hakusho Group Pictures Where you can find group pics and comment on them! ^_^
Team Urameshi's Dojo There's a bunch of miscellaneous stuff in here! ^^
The Couples of YYH 'nuff said!
YKYOWYYHW... You Know You're Obsessed With Yu Yu Hakusho When...
YYH Pics

(*NOTE: If anyone claims "So-and-so is MINE!" or anything related to that, their comment will be DELETED! Also, no stealing. But I will permit drooling, glomping, swooning, and fainting...just as long as it isn't overdone! ^_^*)

If you want to make a link to this wiki on your home page, in your description, type Yu Yu Hakusho Fans Unite!@wiki between brackets, or these: [ ]

Wheee! [RavenTalon] made a banner! ThanQ, [RavenTalon]!
If you want to put the banner on your home page, just type <*IMG:*> but without the stars!

Cool YYH Websites

Cool Wikis

Lovers of Kurama Unite!
Fox Lovers United
Fox-People Army
Sesshoumaru-sama Club
The Fluffy Club
Bakas United
Inuyasha Club
Anime Guild
Anime Fanclub
Violent Vibes GO TO THIS WIKI PAGE!!! [Blaze the Nameless] WROTE IT, AND IT'S REALLY GOOD!!! READ IT!!!
Lovers of Hiei Unite
Alaina's Fanfic Here are [Lady Alaina]'s fanfictions, including Yu Yu Hakusho ones! ^^


Yu Yu Hakusho Contest


7/2/2005 - We have a new part of the wiki up: YYHFU! Banners and Badges. On that note, WE NEED BADGES!!!! PLEASE!!!! -^.^-

-[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]

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2005-02-13 [Kiristo]: on

2005-02-15 [RavenTalon]: hheheeh!

2005-02-15 [Kiristo]: yay!^^

2005-02-15 [RavenTalon]: lol!!

2005-02-19 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: I WANNA RENT THE YU YU HAKUSHO MOVIE!!!!! *rampages*

2005-02-19 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: So, how're y'alls doing?

2005-02-19 [RavenTalon]: Fine!!

2005-02-20 [Kiristo]: I have it. *grab movie, dives and hids under table from Ryoko*

2005-02-21 [Normal_Man]: Which movie?

2005-02-21 [Kiristo]: the first

2005-02-22 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: TT_TT *sobsob* iwannaseeit....

2005-02-22 [Kiristo]: it's very cool, but they changed the voices and it sounds kinda weird.

2005-02-22 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: Changed the voices? Like, from Japanese to English? Or changed the English voices?

2005-02-22 [Kiristo]: Well the english voices sound diffrent.

2005-02-23 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: And Kurama's.....?

2005-02-23 [Kiristo]: eee....not too much changed but a little, and Hiei kinda sounds the same. But Kuwabara and Yusuke as totally different.

2005-02-23 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: XD yayness. 'tis wierd?

2005-02-23 [Kiristo]: kinda, but halfway into the movie, you might get used to it. As for me, I spent that first half freaking out how weird they sounded and curseing the ppl who screwed up the voices.

2005-02-24 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: XD lol! Kinda like when I watched an episode of Trigun in Japanese with english subtitles; I spent most of the time grumbling about how Vash's and Wolfwood's voices were too masculine. XD

2005-02-24 [Kiristo]: lol^^

2005-03-12 [WoodenSuitcase]: lol, trigun and yu yu are great

2005-03-12 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: And I simply REFUSE to watch Card Captor Sakura in english EVER AGAIN!!!!!!!

2005-03-12 [Kiristo]: ...............................................

2005-03-21 [Normal_Man]: anyone here seen Vol.29 Bandits and kings?

2005-03-21 [Kiristo]: no, I've seen it in stores, but haven't gotten it YET.

2005-03-23 [Normal_Man]: I have hahahahahahahahaahahahahahahah,it rocks

2005-03-24 [Kiristo]: *punches u*

2005-03-24 [Normal_Man]: *Kicks Rika in nuts*

2005-03-24 [Kiristo]: I'm a freakin' girl u pervert!!!!! *BEATS THE H3LL OUTTA U*

2005-03-24 [Kuramasgirl]: O.O; Calm down people, stop fighting!

2005-03-24 [Kiristo]: why? He insulted me! *continues with beating*

2005-03-25 [Kuramasgirl]: This can all be resolved PEACEFULLY *fox tail and ears bristle angrily*

2005-03-26 [Kiristo]: *own fox tail swiches and ears twitch* but.......he called me a boy.........

2005-03-26 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: X3 now now, children....

2005-03-26 [Kuramasgirl]: Then talk it out. No need to go into unnecessary fighting in which no one wins anything because we're on the computer, not real life.

2005-03-26 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: X3

2005-03-26 [Kuramasgirl]: lol

2005-03-26 [Kiristo]: So? It's fun.

2005-03-26 [Kuramasgirl]: -.-; If you must.

2005-03-26 [Kiristo]: oh whatever, I'll stop..........

2005-03-26 [Kuramasgirl]: lol, no, you can keep going with it...It can provide me with some entertainment ^^;

2005-03-26 [Kiristo]: *sigh*-_-' ur confusing.....

2005-03-26 [Kuramasgirl]: yay! that I am!

2005-03-27 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: X3 let's shoot crows. Like Karasu. He's crow. Really, he is! Karasu means crow in Japanese!

2005-03-27 [Kiristo]: lol^^

2005-03-27 [Kuramasgirl]: Really? Let's shoot them then!! *pulls out a big machine gun*

2005-03-27 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: -- *shakes head* Dude, you call that a weapon? *pulls out a bigass sniper rifle/rocket launcher* Now this is a weapon! *laughs maniacally*

2005-03-27 [Kuramasgirl]: Ooooooh *Touches* I like it ^.^

2005-03-27 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: Want one? *throws one to her*

2005-03-27 [Kuramasgirl]: *catches it, insane look in eyes* NOW I'm ready for some crow shootin'.

2005-03-27 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: OK!!! LET LOOSE THE CROWS!!!!! (some random guy comes out hauling a bigass cage full of a bunch of Karasu clones behind him, and he lets loose a couple) SHOOT 'EM IN THE BALLS!!!!!

2005-03-27 [Kuramasgirl]: Muah-ha!!! *fires freely at the Karasu clones, laughing maniacally and yelling obsene things when she gets one*

2005-03-27 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: *sitting on one clone's back, pinning him to the ground, mutilating him with any sharp object she can get her hands on* THIS IS FOR BOMBING KURAMA!!!!! AND THIS IS FOR (insert spoiler here) KURAMA!!!! AND THIS IS FOR BEING A FAGGY CROW-BOY!!!

2005-03-27 [Kuramasgirl]: *pulls out a whip and slashes 25 of them in half at the same time* DIE EVIL ABOMINATIONS!!!

2005-03-27 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: *finishes mutilating the clone, then takes a couple clones to be tortured by hookers* X3 Wow, I'm naughty!

2005-03-27 [Kuramasgirl]: *is still whipping Karasu's in half* THIS IS FOR ALL THE PERVERTED AND EVIL THINGS YOU DID TO KURAMA YOU ASS!

2005-03-27 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: X3 Let's make 'em watch the evil video tape from "The Ring."

2005-03-27 [Kuramasgirl]: Perrrrrfect. *evil grin*

2005-03-27 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: Ok, let's set aside a few to watch it, and a few to clean up the bodies a week later. X3

2005-03-27 [Kuramasgirl]: Good, sounds perfect. ^^

2005-03-27 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: *runs off, returning a few seconds later with the evil tape and some nets, boobie traps, whips, shackles and chains* Ok Kuramasgirl, help me out here! We gotta catch a few of the little buggers first! *starts setting up boobie traps*

2005-03-27 [Kuramasgirl]: *helps set out boobie traps*

2005-03-27 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: Now, let's round 'em up! *chases some into some boobie traps*

2005-03-27 [Kuramasgirl]: *chases a large bunch of rowdy ones into a gigantic hole in the ground with spiky plants at the bottom* To keep them down there...*explains*

2005-03-27 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: Ah. Don't kill 'em yet; let 'em suffer. *orders one of the more obedient ones to put the tape in the VCR and press "play" after we throw in the clones and run out; tells him not to watch it, and to run out after pressing play* I think I'm gonna keep this one... *pets obedient clone's head*

2005-03-27 [Kuramasgirl]: You could always give it plastic surgery and cut some of its hair. Atleast then you wouldn't have to stare at that evil face...

2005-03-27 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: Yeah. X3 I shall make him into Wolfwood!

2005-03-27 [Kuramasgirl]: Much better ^^

2005-03-27 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: Or I'll make up my own sexy character and make him into that. ^^ Anyways, let the torture begin! *hauls her half of the couple clones and throws them into a room. The obedient clone goes in, puts in the tape, presses play, and runs out, locking the door behind him* XD

2005-03-28 [Kiristo]: *blink blnik* what exactly did I miss here?

2005-03-28 [Kuramasgirl]: Oh, we were just torturing some Karasu clones ^^

2005-03-28 [Kiristo]: oooooh. (kinda weird-_-')

2005-03-30 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: (I know; we're just special like that. XD) *randomly pets her obedient Karasu clone* I must name him.....

2005-03-31 [Kiristo]: O_o.............

2005-03-31 [Normal_Man]: I thnk someone secreetly has the hots for karasu

2005-03-31 [Kuramasgirl]: And I think that that person's you, Normal_boy.

2005-03-31 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: XDDD *Hi-5's Kuramasgirl* What, Normal? I don't! Honestly, I want Karasu to burn in bloody heck for all eternity! I just like this obedient Karasu clone. *gestures toward her Karasu clone* Besides, he's not the original. The original's dead! *throws a party*

2005-03-31 [Kuramasgirl]: *hi-5's Ryoko back and joins in the party*

2005-03-31 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: I know! I'll call my Karasu clone......uh....Kyouko? Mebbe...gimme ideas, guys!

2005-03-31 [Kuramasgirl]: Ummmmm....

2005-04-01 [Normal_Man]: You guys are strokeing karasu dosent that seem a little weird

2005-04-01 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: It's not Karasu! It's a clone! And his name isn't Karasu; it's Kyouko!

2005-04-02 [Normal_Man]: ............................still

2005-04-02 [Kiristo]: everything about this is weird....

2005-04-02 [Kuramasgirl]: If everyone in the world was normal, this world would be a dull place indeed.

2005-04-03 [Kiristo]: true

2005-04-03 [Kuramasgirl]: ^^

2005-04-04 [Normal_Man]: But what is the defanition of normal,websters says just as long as you are yourself you are normal,and the world is still amusing

2005-04-04 [Kuramasgirl]: The definition of normal is you, and that is why you are so dull.

2005-04-04 [Kiristo]: I think the definition of normal is daily life related to the people and happenings of the world.

2005-04-09 [WoodenSuitcase]: oro?

2005-04-09 [Kuramasgirl]: Yes, Ban-Chan's right...Oro?

2005-04-09 [Kiristo]: *sigh*

2005-04-11 [Normal_Man]: Are you trying to say that.....just long as crazy shit dosent happen its normal?

2005-04-11 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: X3

2005-04-11 [Normal_Man]: What does that little thing mean

2005-04-12 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: It's my little kitty/clenched-shut eyes face. Y'know; the 3 is the mouth? the X is the eyes? Like this: X3

2005-04-12 [Normal_Man]: oooooooooooooooooooooooh

2005-04-13 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: X3 now ya get it...

2005-04-14 [Normal_Man]: yep

2005-04-14 [Kiristo]: X3 WHEE! =3

2005-04-15 [Normal_Man]: APPLE FRITTERS

2005-04-15 [Kiristo]: lol^^

2005-04-15 [Normal_Man]: ^-^ ye-haw

2005-04-15 [Kiristo]: lol XD

2005-04-16 [Normal_Man]: you seem giggley

2005-04-16 [Kiristo]: yup^^

2005-04-16 [Normal_Man]: Drunk?

2005-04-16 [Kiristo]: I'm too young.....

2005-04-19 [Normal_Man]: *Hiccup* Lady, y0our NevAr TToo youNG for bO0ze

2005-04-20 [Kiristo]: lol^^

2005-04-20 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: b33r? wh3r3? GIMME THE B33R!!!!! (beer? where?)

2005-04-21 [Kiristo]: ...-_-'

2005-04-21 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]:


(gosh, I sound like Kuwabara.....or Yusuke.....or Yusuke's mom...)

2005-04-21 [Kiristo]: -_-'''''''''''u guys r weird...I'm outy

2005-04-22 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: NUUUU! don't out!

2005-04-23 [Normal_Man]: booze is not somthing for kids such as yourself to talk about

2005-04-25 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: Who're you calling a kid? I'm in high school, FYI! Just check my house!

2005-04-29 [Kiristo]: *glared evily at normal_boy* DON'T call me a kid!

2005-04-29 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: ^^U I'm more like a teen

2005-05-01 [Normal_Man]: But unless yur taller then 6'3, your kids

2005-05-01 [Kiristo]: than bacicly almost everyone in the world would be kids, including adults. Right?~_^

2005-05-02 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: Not true. There's an adult who's only about 3 feet tall, and yes, she's married and has like 3 kids. Booyah!!!

2005-05-02 [Kuramasgirl]: The average height for the woman of today is 5'8, so Normal's statistics of 6'3 is completely wrong when you're talking to females. XP

2005-05-02 [Kiristo]: I agree with them. Though it was already what I was thinking....

2005-05-06 [Normal_Man]: But im 6'3 so I can call u kids

2005-05-06 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: Don't care. We're (Normal and I) both relatively the same age (both teens), therefore neither of us are kids.

2005-05-06 [Kiristo]: ...........

2005-05-09 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: And Rika-chan's a teen, not a kid. ^^

2005-05-10 [Kiristo]: Finally someone gets it! *hugs Ryoko-chan*

2005-05-10 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: *pats Rika-chan's head* ^^ Just trying to make a point!

2005-05-10 [Kiristo]: lol^^

2005-05-11 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: 'Cuz I kinda don't like it when my friends get into arguments.

2005-05-12 [Kiristo]: aww^^ *hugs* Normal_Boy, when does the next YYH DVD come out?

2005-05-13 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]:'re things goin' in here?

2005-05-13 [Normal_Man]: Yu Yu Hakusho TV Series, Vol #31 is out on 6-21

2005-05-14 [Kiristo]: ok, thanks NB.

2005-05-14 [Normal_Man]: No prob

2005-05-14 [Kiristo]: ^^

2005-05-16 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: ^^ fun

2005-05-16 [Kiristo]: lol^^

2005-05-17 [Normal_Man]: Huh?

2005-05-17 [Kiristo]: ???

2005-05-18 [Kiristo]: Please Visit Yu Yu Hakusho RPG

2005-05-21 [Normal_Man]: puppy

2005-05-21 [Kiristo]: :x

2005-05-25 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: I HAVE INTERNET!!!!! ^^

2005-05-25 [Kiristo]: YAY!^^

2005-06-22 [Lady Alaina]: ..........I wanna join...XD

2005-06-22 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: go to YYHFU! Members and add your name at the end of the list! ^^

2005-06-22 [Lady Alaina]: GOt it...

2005-06-22 [Kiristo]: YAY!^^

2005-06-22 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: yay! new member boogie! *dances*

2005-06-22 [Lady Alaina]: Oo Urkay....XD

2005-06-22 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: lol; never mind me...

2005-06-22 [Lady Alaina]: Oo could I with that dance? At least it was better than Kuwabaka....

2005-06-22 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: --U well I feel loved...

2005-06-23 [Lady Alaina]: LOL I was joking! XD

2005-06-23 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: i know you were XD

2005-06-23 [Lady Alaina]: .....I'm in a Hiei mood now.....and my cAT EARS ARE POPPING OUT!! XD

2005-06-23 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: I'm in a crazy Vash mood now...XD

2005-06-23 [Lady Alaina]: ...Didja see the pic at my house?

2005-06-23 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: no; lemme check

2005-06-23 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: OMG!!!!! *hugs* I LOVE THEM!!! ^^

2005-06-23 [Lady Alaina]: Nichy ish be mine,though...XD I drew Vash for a friend,but she only thinks he's he extremely funny,the one and ONLY perosn she'll say 'my' anything,is Kurama...and thats when she's not in her right mind...a person who ahtes romance,I tell ya,she's the least insane person I know.

2005-06-23 [Kiristo]: than that would make us all insane.

2005-06-23 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: --U no claimers, people...

2005-06-23 [Lady Alaina]: This is gonna sound odd. But I like to say 'mine',but I'll think it absoluetly adorable if a million other girls go after/write about/anything like that...about the guy I like on the show. Yeah,my friend would call every single one of us crazy,TRUST ME. XD

2005-06-23 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: XD that case, since Wolfwood's yours, Vash is mine. XD

2005-06-23 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: But I could share! ^^U

2005-06-23 [Lady Alaina]: lol XD Yesh,Nichy be mine. As long as I can call them mine,I couldnt care less if other girls did,either. Just as long as I got to say it as well...Vash is more of a funny father to me...XD That'll be in my FanFic taht I will write,actually....ifI ever get around to it. ^^;;

2005-06-23 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: XD slacker....wait, I shouldn't be talking....never mind! ^^U

2005-06-23 [Lady Alaina]: ......I'm too happy to care right now...oh,so very happy....

2005-06-23 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: D'ya think you could share Nick?

2005-06-23 [Kiristo]: I'll say Hiei is mine, but I wouldn't care if other girls said it too.<3

2005-06-23 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: um...ok?

2005-06-23 [Kiristo]: lolXD

2005-06-24 [Lady Alaina]: Oh,good,then you wnt mindme writing out Hiei and Kisra's wedding in Cats-Eye Jewel? My friend dreat it up,and its too funny not to tell. :) Sure,I can share Nichy if I must...but thats not gonna stop me from being his gf in the fanfic. XD

2005-06-24 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: then I'll be Vash's gf! -^.^-

2005-06-24 [Lady Alaina]: Ah,I can deal with that! ^^ lol ....Did you ever read my manga,Lost Underground City?

2005-06-24 [Kiristo]: wedding? *eye twitches*

2005-06-24 [Lady Alaina]: I thought you said it didnt bother you,Rika....XD

2005-06-24 [Kiristo]: *says through teeth*oh...nevermind then. *eye brow still twitches*

2005-06-24 [Lady Alaina]: *giggles*

2005-06-24 [Kiristo]: XP

2005-06-24 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: yes, i did, alaina; a couple months ago. (sorry i forgot to tell you)

2005-06-24 [Lady Alaina]: No,its ok...I jsut thought taht if you did,'cause Iw as pretty sure you were one of my readers,bacuse I'm...reviving it...xD

2005-06-24 [Kiristo]: lol^^

2005-06-24 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: lol; ok! ^^

2005-06-24 [Lady Alaina]: YEah..XD Just so ya

2005-06-24 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: alrighty! Hey, if you need any help with your Trigun fanfic (or any fanfic), let me know; I'd like to help!

2005-06-24 [Lady Alaina]: ......Actually....maybe...hmm...nah,I have to write at least one Trigun FanFic first.....

2005-06-24 [Kiristo]: I'm trying to work on mine...

2005-06-24 [Lady Alaina]: ....I'll go start a Trigun one...I'm suddenly in the mood for Trigun..

2005-06-24 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: me too....but I have a lot of fanfics....and am stuck near the end of the 2nd chapter of one of them...

2005-06-24 [Lady Alaina]: I ahve a ton,too,but I never get stuck there...its always cahpter five or seven...but I HATE being stalled. XP

2005-06-24 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: me too...

2005-06-24 [Lady Alaina]: Ah,well...better go write while I'm inspired....

2005-06-24 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: I'm inspired to draw....all I have to do is listen to my Trigun CD, and I'll have a silly Trigun mini-comic done! XD

2005-06-24 [Lady Alaina]: LOL! XD Then.create a mini-wiki! [Ryoko's Trigun Comics]! XD LOL

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